Monday, February 10, 2025

Can a Thumbs-Up Emoji Form Binding Sales Contract?

At least, in Canada, yes. Technology and Marketing Law Blog has the details:
This is the instant-classic lawsuit involving a Saskatchewan farmer who text-messaged a “thumbs-up” emoji in response to an offer to buy his flax. The lower court found that the seller’s thumbs-up emoji constituted assent to the buyer’s offer and awarded the buyer $82k (Canadian) in damages. On appeal, the Saskatchewan Court of Appeals affirmed the decision on a 2-1 vote.


The seller argued that he had used the thumbs-up emoji to acknowledge receipt of the buyer’s text, not to assent to it. The majority says that is theoretically possible...Nevertheless, the majority says that the seller chose this particular emoji in this particular context...As a result, the emoji functioned as a signature...

The blogger, Prof. Eric Goldman, suggests that the outcome would have been the same in the United States:

While Canadian law resembles US law about electronic signatures, the emoji-as-signature issue may have been an easier call in the US courts. I think that the E-Sign and UETA laws in the US make it entirely clear that the emoji usage in this context would satisfy their requirements as a signature.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Second Amendment Legal Update, February 2025

A monthly update, prepared for the Schuyler County Chapter of S.C.O.P.E. NY, a statewide 501(c)4 organization dedicated to preserving the 2nd Amendment rights for the residents of New York State. For a complete copy of this month’s report, click here.