Monday, June 24, 2024

New York State Legislature End-of-Session Update

On June 8, the New York State Legislature completed its regular session, having given final two-house passage to a total of 805 bills.

The New York State Conference of Mayors has put together a comprehensive municipal law summary, which includes bills that passed both houses and have an impact on local governments, as well as an update on the final status of several other bills of interest to municipalities that did not receive final passage.

For a complete copy of the summary, click here.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Office for Justice Initiatives’ 2024 Law Day Report Announced.

Press release:

As we close out our Law Day 2024 celebrations, Judge Richardson is pleased today to announce the release of OJI’s 2024 Law Day Report, centered
around this year’s theme, “Voices of Democracy,” which encourages civic participation in ensuring that our government remains responsive to the wishes of the people.

The Office for Justice Initiatives is made up of seven divisions: Access to Justice; Equal Justice; Youth and Emerging Adult Justice; Policy and Planning; Judiciary Civil Legal Services, Diversity and Inclusion; and Child Welfare and Family Justice. The report highlights the important work of each division within the context of the “Voices of Democracy” theme.

“In keeping with this year’s Law Day theme, the May 2024 Law Day Report showcases the efforts of the Office for Justice Initiatives over the past year through the voices of those who work in our courts, those who work with our courts, and those who are served by our courts,” said Deputy Chief Administrative Judge Richardson, announcing the report’s release. “And for those who access the report digitally, not only will you be able to read their words but also hear their actual voices.”

Law Day is held annually on May 1. In 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first Law Day Proclamation to mark our nation’s commitment to the rule of law. Each year the American Bar Association selects an annual theme for Law Day.

Monday, June 10, 2024

New York Court System Launches Guardianship Resource Webpage

Press Release:

This useful information for anyone interested in learning more about the guardianship process, including informational videos (with subtitles in several languages), a glossary online resource contains
of commonly used guardianship terms, and links to critical information and resources for appointed guardians.

The Guardianship Resource Webpage was built as part of a nearly $1,000,000 grant award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, to modernize and reimagine guardianship proceedings in New York State. The Unified Court System’s partners in this endeavor are Project Guardianship and JASA. Other components of the grant include creating a guardianship-specific module in the court system’s case management system, the creation of standard motion and order templates commonly used in guardianship cases, and significant outreach to guardianship stakeholders.

What Is Guardianship?

Guardianship gives a person or organization the legal right to make certain decisions for another person. Guardianship requires going to court and only a judge can appoint a guardian.

A person may need a guardian if they are unable to make decisions, manage their affairs, and are at risk of harm because of serious illness, disability, dementia, or other conditions that impacts their ability to think and act clearly.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Second Amendment Legal Update: June, 2024

A monthly update, prepared for the Schuyler County Chapter of S.C.O.P.E. NY, a statewide 501(c)4 organization dedicated to preserving the 2nd Amendment rights for the residents of New York State. For a complete copy of this month’s report, click here.