Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Schuyler County Legislature vs. Walmart

The Schuyler County Legislature passed more than 30 resolutions tonight, including one that involved a fight with a corporate giant.

The county will now work with the Town of Dix, Watkins Glen School District and the Village of Watkins Glen to fight Walmart's request for a 30 percent reduction in their property assessment.

The county defends their current property assessment of the Wal-Mart on East fourth street.

"We had five towns reassessed this year, and a good number of residents saw their assessed values increase. Overall we're not seeing a significant reduction in assessed values throughout the county, and certainly not to the extent of 30%," said Chairman of the Schuyler County Legislature, Dennis Fagan.

The legislature also authorized a hazmat grant program and a grant of 10 thousand dollars for the Sheriff's office to be used for investigator technology.