Saturday, May 2, 2009

Consumers Warned: Beware of Swine Flu Scams

The Better Business Bureau is warning consumers to be on the lookout for fraudulent e-mails and Websites trying to take advantage of the current swine flu outbreak. The group is offering the following advice to avoid swine flu scams:

• Avoid opening e-mail from an unknown source and do not click on any links in the body of the e-mail or open any attachments. Instead, delete the email or report it to the Federal Trade Commission by forwarding the e-mail to

• Don't believe online offers for vaccinations against swine flu because a vaccine does not exist. For more information on swine flu and updates on progress in fighting the outbreak, go to

• Make sure your anti-virus and anti-spyware software is up to date and all operating system security patches have been installed. If your computer becomes infected as the result of a spam e-mail about swine flu, you can report it to the Internet Crime Complaint Center at